Listen, Learn, Take Action

How to Build an Equitable, Inclusive
and Anti-Racist Business

Listen, Learn, Take Action 

is a powerful interview series examining racism in various aspects of small business.

The 5 incredible speakers were hired to help educate small business owners to examine their practices and possible prejudices so they can build an equitable, inclusive and anti-racist small business.

Meet the


How to handle discomfort and shame as you take action to build an equitable, inclusive, anti-racist small business.

It's time for change to happen.

Change is uncomfortable and it awakens a myriad of emotions. So how do we handle the emotions to ensure we can continue taking sustainable effective action to dismantle racism in Small Business?

CJ walks us through the journey that is so needed from each and every small business owner.


Representation matters.


How to shift to Inclusive Marketing

If people don't see themselves in your marketing they are going to walk away.

Inclusive marketing is more than just posting diverse pictures - in this interview, Fariha shares gold on how to shift your marketing and PR to be more inclusive and representative of ALL the people you serve.


How to ensure equitable and inAclusive outcomes are a part of your Small Business

In this interview, Uchechi shares some insightful ways small business owners can instill inclusiveness and equity into their small business.


Equity = differentiating our supports to account for structural barriers to help create the same outcome for all participants.


How systemic racism appears in small business and what we can do about it.

Systemic Racism is a reality and it's all around you.

When we can see, objectively, where there is systemic racism - then we can do different and we can do better.

In this interview, Hadriana walks us through concrete foundations where you may have missed racism - and also helps you understand what you can do to take action.


How to heal while making change in your business

To stay in action and allyship - there is healing that needs to be done. Healing is central to ongoing change.

In this interview, I speak with Asha Frost - a powerful Indigenous Medicine Healer about how we can begin the healing process. You will be amazing at how easy it can be.

As entrepreneurs, we are visionaries and creative problem solvers.
Through sustained, effective action over time, together 
we can create the world we say we want.


Good impact starts with the right intention. The right intention comes from listening and learning to those who understand and experience racism first-hand. Once we understand the stories, we can decide on a course of action

There are no tips, tricks, tools or flow charts to being an anti-racist basis. There are no quizzes or simple processes to create a an inclusive and equitable business. It comes from an awareness of, and empathy with, the people you serve. Then it's your responsibility to analyze the situation and explore the blindspots or privilege you inherently carry. Then, decide on action. 

Sustained, effective action every single day.


Together, let's do the work.

Who is Shelagh Cummins?

I don’t know your story yet, so I’m not going to say what every other coach does: “I get it. Because I was just like you once.”


But if you’ve ever procrastinated on raising your prices, because you thought: “Nobody will pay that. I’d rather make less than worry about getting enough client bookings or filling the spots in my program…”


Or spent 7 hours wading through your inbox, reading emails from experts like: “Quadruple your web traffic in 2 minutes”, “10x your revenue overnight”, “5 ways to get George Clooney to take you out for sushi”…


Or found yourself walking through a graveyard of proven step-by-step formulas that left you right where you started, zombie-fied at your desk, making less than a chimp astronaut…


Then yeah, I’d say we have a few things in common.

100% of all proceeds from the sale of this course will
​be donated to the following organizations:



Developing Young Leaders of Tomorrow (DYLOTT)

DYLOTT is a leadership incubator that delivers a variety of youth programs intentionally designed to ensure young Black leaders have the tools to excel in the current and emerging Canadian and International job market. Our programs are designed to address barriers to social inclusion in employment, education and the broader social context. Our culturally responsive supports and services provide: Mentoring and mentorship opportunities, Intensive training and skill development, and Innovative Sector-specific knowledge.

The Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)

The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations, Métis and Inuit women. NWAC is an aggregate of thirteen Native women’s organizations from across Canada and was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1974. Much like a “Grandmother’s Lodge”, we as aunties, mothers, sisters, brothers and relatives collectively recognize, respect, promote, defend and enhance our Native ancestral laws, spiritual beliefs, language and traditions given to us by the Creator.

Black Women In Motion

Black Women in Motion is a Toronto-based, youth-led organization that empowers and supports the advancement of black womxn and survivors of sexual violence. We work within an anti-racist, intersectional feminist, trauma-informed and survivor-centred framework to create culturally-relevant content, educational tools, healing spaces and economic opportunities for black womxn. 

© Copyright 2020. Shelagh Cummins. All Rights Reserved.